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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ramblings from the Road

So I have been in Houston since Sunday afternoon, and after some fanfare, I was able to secure a room with a microwave and a fridge. Somehow I keep wondering if the hotel clerk knew that the new room was right outside a street light which never turns off.

Monday was a good day. I went running for my lunch hour and I ran 3.14 miles in 40 minutes. I felt really good because I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it for the entire 5K which is coming in about a week and a half. I can tell my body is getting stronger and stronger by the day....what a gift from God!

Monday afternoon to blow sometime I went to see the new Max Payne movie. It was pretty I got to see Marky Mark from the Funky Bunch. Later that evening I watched some network TV/Monday night football and read Twilight during the commercials. I only have about 25 pages to go and plan on finishing on Tuesday night. Keep going back and forth on whether I am going to continue reading the saga. I have had the book "Mindset" by Carol Dweck in my car which I have started twice that I want to complete before I start reading anything else.

This afternoon I took my lunch late and went for another run. Today I only ran for 2.25 miles in 25 minutes and then I walked and sprinted the rest of the way back to the office and capped it off with some jumping jacks and push ups.

Things are looking on the positive for my dissertation. I only have a few more changes before I submit to the committee member who put the kibosh on my October defense. Hopefully I will be able to defend sometime in November, but that means that actual graduation will be put off until next May. There may be a silver lining in that thundercloud, but I will address this in a later post.

Later today, I plan on going to see Quarantine and then to the hotel to watch Fringe.

After three hotel stays in the past 30 days I am convinced that the home away from home illusion that a hotel offers just doesn't cut coming home to a loving wife and children who tell daddy that they love him........I can't wait to get home.

Peace Out,



indeazgirl said...

Isn't it funny how one of my favorite things in the world is to find a fun little boutique hotel and stay there for as long as possible? But then, it's never for work. And it means I'm not at work or school.
Anyways, it sounds like your running is going fantastic. You'll Kick-A in that 5-K!

Margo Clift said...

Sounds like you are getting stronger all of the time. That is very cool.
I am ever so grateful that you love going home to that lovely family. They are pretty awesome.