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Thursday, September 20, 2007

My latest project!

Phoenix has used the same two flannel blankets since he was born. When he was almost 2 Byron and I left him for almost a week with my sister and brother-in-law so we could go on a cruise to Mexico together. While we were gone Phoenix became extra attached to those blankets. He has a white and blue one (his favorite) and a green one (the back-up) His white one he calls "Boo" and his green one he calls "Other Boo."

I decided Zion was going to need some "Boos" too. I went last week and bought the flannel and for the last few days I have not left my sewing machine. I made two blankets and four matching burp clothes.


Walker family said...

Those look great, Tara! Good job.

Jocelyn said...

Those are so cute! I love the fabric. That cowboy one is great... well they both are, I love them both! HA! Nice job. Wonder which one will be boo and which will be other boo. That is funny.

Margo Clift said...

Love those cute snuggies. Can't wait to see a little Zion in them.
You have done a really good job, and I am sure they will be a hit.
I'll bet even big brother will like them.
Love Mom

Katie said...

Seriously-those are adorable! You and Sara both make blanket making look so easy! You'll have to teach me how to do those edges. I love the fabric. I love the blankets!!! I'm sure Zion will love them even more.

Lisa Clift said...

Love the "Boos". I am sure Zion will just snuggle right in and enjoy them so much. Good for you for sitting down at your sewing machine and creating a great keepsake for your baby boy.