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Monday, September 17, 2007

First trip to the dentist!

"Are you ready Leopard?"
"Say Awwww!"
"Look how brave I am Leopard!"
"Let's floss."
"Now rinse."

Well Phoenix had his first dental appointment today. He had an exam and a full cleaning. They were not sure they would be able to do a cleaning because Phoenix is still kind of young, but he was AWESOME. I took Leopard with us and they were great to play into that. Fist Leopard got his teeth cleaned then Phoenix.


Margo Clift said...

Phoenix you are such a big boy and so is Leopy.
I am very proud that you were so brave at the Dentist. (Quite unlike some of the people in this family)
That can be very scary.
Good job
Love Grandma

Lisa Clift said...

Phoenix you are amazing. There is nothing Aunt Lisa hates more than the Dentist. You are a hero to me!!!!! Glad to see Leopy do so good also. It's always fun to have a friend there for a new adventure. Love ya.
Aunt Lisa

Katie said...

That is so cute! I can't believe he did so well! He does better than most adults. lol

Tara : Damon : Ellis : Hudson said...

wow, way to go tara for taking him to the dentist! most parents wait till their kids are 3 (it's what pediatricians recommend, sadly) and end up with a mouthfull of cavities by then! and i can't believe they used a full on prophy tip on a slow speed with him! we don't even do those till kids are 10, cause the sound usually freaks kids out, so we brush the prophy past with a toothbrush! i can't believe he stayed still for it! did he have x-rays??? yeah, being an assistant at a pediatric dentist office has turned me into a teeth nerd! way to go! keep using fluoride at home! y'all are lucky too that they fluouridate the water there, we have to sell the stuff and beg parents to use it daily. ok, my sopabox performance is over!

Spiralmoon Studio said...

Holy Hannah! I am so impressed, Phoenix! You are so brave - and so grown up! As Aunt Lisa said, I hate the dentist - and my dentist is a really good friend of ours. LOL! You rock - and so do your parents. Way to go Mom and Dad! Clean teeth rule!

Love, Aunt Jay