I met with the surgical team on Friday and the verdict is in. I will be having bariatric surgery on the 12th of August. I am not looking forward to having to be there at 0600 am. The type of surgery I will be having is a newer bariatric procedure commonly called "sleeve (vertical) gastrectomy" and it is a form of unbanded gastroplasty involving subtotal gastric resection for creation of a long lesser curve-based gastric conduit. Bottomline: The cut out about 75 percent of my stomach while leaving my intestines intact. This makes the procedure recovery time less than gastric bypass with all of the benefits and it is more permanent than lap-band without leaving a foreign body inside your body.
For additional information about the procedure and some of the outcomes:
http://www.asbs.org/Newsite07/resources/sleeve_statement.pdfI am very excited to be having this surgery and it is driving me crazy to have to wait another month before it is performed. My surgeon is going on vacation later this month and wants to be available to me after the surgery. It does work out perfectly because I am teaching this summer until the 7th and then I will get a weekend with the family and then head to Dallas for the surgery.
The surgeon said that a more reasonalbe goal weight would be 170 pounds. This would mean a total of 85 pounds of weight loss which should take up to two years, but that they have been seeing very positive results in patients and that the weight may come off faster if I continue to workout. The surgeon mentioned that one of the greatest benefits of this surgery and the gastric bypass is the reduction of the stomach enzyme ghrelin O-acetyltransferase (GOAT) which tells your body that you are hungry: my body always seams to be screaming!
Will update you more as I learn more......much love and peace, Byron Lynn